Criminal & Traffic Law

Criminal and Traffic Attorney in Mansfield, Ohio

Convictions for traffic and/or criminal offenses can have long term or permanent ramifications beyond fines, court costs, incarceration, etc. Upon being investigated for and/or charged with a traffic or criminal matter, an individual should always consult with an attorney. A brief phone call to an experienced attorney can many times be of great service to a person or organization that has been charged or is being investigated in reference to an alleged offense.

The law firm of Inscore, Rinehardt, Whitney and Enderle has three (3) attorneys who primarily represent individuals and organizations in the areas of Traffic and Criminal Law. We have a combined 97 years of experience in representing clients charged with offenses ranging from a violation of local ordinances to violations of state statutes with possible penalties from a fine of $150.00 up to a sentence of death or lifetime incarceration.
Criminal With Shackle  —Criminal Law in Mansfield, OH
Man Having A Trouble — Traffic Law in Mansfield, OH

For more information about our criminal and traffic services, contact our office today in Mansfield, Ohio.

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